The Sensory Swing – Mesh will provide calming support for children of all ages and abilities. The Swing is great for hours and hours of swinging fun! Your child can sit while they ready or study, lay down while they watch their favourite cartoons, take a nap or even stand up off the ground. This Sensory Swing is more than a hammock, it’s a tool to promote positive behaviour and prevent those tantrums and meltdowns, providing the child with a space of their own where they can relax and just have pure fun.

Kids with autism often find this type of swing comforting, its open design gives the child a sense of flying, gentle swinging and spinning all in one.
The swing is also popular with child’s occupational therapists, and for parents of autistic kids to use at home (eg. in the bedroom, lounge room, sensory room, play room or back yard).
The swing is able to hold upto 120Kg, can be used indoors or outdoors and can be setup within minutes. The swing can be installed either like a regular swing (front and backward) or as a therapy swing (spinning) by using the provided ropes. If using the provided ropes, it is recommended to install the swing by using swing hitch knot. If there is any discomfort due to mesh design please use a pillow at the base.

Swinging for Sensory Integration
Swinging allows a child to neutralize the disruptions that are caused by their vestibular system, which can often originate in the inner ear. The smooth, back-and-forth motion can be soothing and calming to a child, which is why you will often see swings utilized in classroom or therapy settings. The use of vestibular (movement) input particularly provided by our swing, where he is able to get linear (front and backward) and rotational input (spinning) will directly support a child’s ability to regulate themselves as well as provide opportunities to work on their muscle strength and coordination. A few minutes of swinging in our Sensory Swing – Mesh will actually calm kids for hours and help them relax and melt away anxiety.

Safety Precautions:
- Adult supervision is always required at all times.
- Be aware of floor, wall and head protection.
- Make sure the swings are able to support the user(s).
- Children who are seizure prone may require additional precautions.
- Make sure the child has the ability to stop on their own at a moment’s notice.
- The child must want to swing on their own. Never force a child to participate.
- Before using the swing, adult must physically inspect the swing, knots, rope and other tools (swing frames etc), to make sure all are in good condition and secured.
- Unlike fabric swing, our swings have been designed to be open due to the mesh design therefore an adult must always be present during the operation of the swing to make sure child does not accidently get stuck within the mesh design.
- These safety precautions must be followed to avoid any unfortunate incident.
Package Includes:
1 x Sensory Therapy Swing - Mesh
2 x Ropes
Not suitable for kids under 3 years of age. Black Stand Not Included.